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Spring of 1985, the United States hundreds of millions of TV viewers saw an advertisement this: a basketball court quickly rolls to one side, waiting for a handsome guy in there easily wear colored shoes with foot hook the ball into the hands of to start the ball moving at the same time, the engine came the harsh engine noise, the roar of the engine getting louder and louder, the young man followed soar. Last 10 seconds of advertising is Jordan's "Walk in the Clouds", even if the audience had never seen the game of basketball, also lamented in his exquisite skills. This ad is not only that Jordan has a special ability to fly, but also suggests that pair of shoes and his feet are also bound to this link.

In this ad, that magical young man is the famous sports star Michael Jordan, NBA, his feet a pair of shoes is the famous brand "Nike." Before retiring, Jordan 由衷地感叹: "Phil Knight and Nike turn me into a fantasy figure." This is the inside of the Knight, "Nike," the founder, he put a small company into a a large group, the once unknown superstar Michael Jordan pushed to the position.

Athletes fail

In 1938, an ordinary boy born in the United States, and then most of the peers, he likes sports, playing basketball, baseball, running, his name is Phil Knight, as a common ordinary young man, He Adidas, Puma sports brand is very familiar with these, but the unexpected is that this extraordinary young man, after creating a new brand - Nike, Adidas and even more than in sports field dominance.

Knight has always liked sports, almost all of his high school paper is concerned with the movement, and even universities have chosen is the headquarters of the United States Track and Field - University of Oregon. Although Knight likes sports, but only a mediocre one mile run performance athlete, his worst score of 4 minutes 13 seconds, almost no access to world-class athletes (score of 4 points) ranks, almost like him people too much! But fortunately so, otherwise we will not see today's a great entrepreneur.

In Oregon, Knight met his lifelong mentor is his coach Bill Bowerman. Bowerman was a continuous 50 years to break the world marathon record, Eugene, Oregon, and thus also famous. He is a strong sense of professionalism of people, one mind to make their sports teams than any other team. Training, competition, athlete's foot disease is the most frequently committed, Bowerman he wanted to design a shoe, at the end of light and sound support, small friction and stability, thus reducing the pain of athletes foot, run a good result.

Thus, Bowerman designed the shoes of the pattern pieces. He found several shoe companies, but did not bother him, ask yourself altogether stubborn Bowerman cobbler, learned to make shoes, in a Games, the athletes put on his hand-made by him, the appearance of ugly but comfortable shoes, lightweight, ran the results of a competition than ever before have a good ranking.

After graduation, Knight continued to pursue MBA degree from Stanford University, and Bowerman will continue to do track and field coach at the university and the design of sports shoes.

In 1960, Knight graduated. During which he mentioned in a report, a lot of famous and ordinary sport athlete in fact have a common goal: to defeat Adidas, so that more and more athletes to wear the Japanese production of high quality low price shoes - TIGERS (Tiger. After graduating from the Knight decided to Japan to look for an opportunity.

Exhibition in Japan, Knight met the Japanese Tiger sports shoes manufacturers, he claimed to be from the United States "Blue Ribbon Sports company," Tiger just need an agent to enter the U.S. market, so he took power of attorney to this inexperienced young man.

Knight immediately get the right agent to find Bowerman, both of them invested , composed of a real blue ribbon sports company, Tiger sports shoes as the exclusive distributor in the United States, began the initial start. The "Blue Ribbon" is the "Nike" predecessor.
Nike brilliant

Just started, when there is no warehouse, the inventory on the Knight family's basement Knight father, he and Bowerman two people a control over funds and a tube design, with very understanding. He has proven to the market forecast is correct, this low-priced sports shoes sell well in the first year they sold $ 8,000 worth of goods.

In 1968, the restructuring had CORTEZ Bowerman Tiger sports shoes shoes become the best-selling products, and Knight of the company's development and lay a solid financial foundation. The company's business began to improve it.

Soon, the Japanese head office aware of products sell well, they require them to transfer after the delivery. As a result, Bowerman their cost greatly increased, but to redouble their efforts to sell. But Japan is also often not on time delivery, even first-class goods sold secretly to stay in Japan to defect to the United States. Once, they received a number of shoes Bowerman, customers wear for two weeks, on the separation of the upper sole. They had to swallow in order to maintain credibility, has returned to the customer in time.

Even more exasperating is that Tiger also sent representatives to Eugene, offered to buy 51% stake in Bowerman, and five directors accounted for two seats, if you deny this request, immediately stop the supply. Make things difficult for the Japanese suffered unbearable Bowerman and Knight, flatly rejected the non-copies of the request.

Knight and Bowerman decided to open one of their own company, he was named Nike, which is based on the name of the Greek god of victory and take the. The NIKE name, the eye of the West is very lucky, easy to read and remember, it can utter the least sound. They quickly launched a "Nike" name sports shoes, and a fine mesh design trademark. Nike's famous "a hook" trademark eye-catching, with a visually appealing, as well as shoes and other sporting goods should have the kind of movement, a symbol of strength and speed.

To advertise, Knight and his wife hand-printed T-shirt Nike Olympic preliminaries to the field distribution, but to see people have asked: "Who is NIKE?" But in the game, a little way out of Knight a handful of thunder, was persuaded to use the new shoes marathon was fourth to the seventh athlete, and athletes wearing Adidas shoes were the top three in qualifying.

In the athletic footwear industry, Nike is facing fierce competition. Knight and Bowerman aware: If you can not develop a better product than it is now a new product, it did not want to increase market share. And, so far, the U.S. shoe produced far less than the former Federal Republic of Germany, the foreign company Adidas shoes.

In 1975, a Sunday morning, Bowerman baked waffles in the iron mold playing a kind of urethane rubber, it made a new type of sole, in this waffle-style shoes fitted with small rubber nails, make this flexible soles other than the popular shoes on the market flexibility are strong. This seemingly simple product improvement, Knight and Bowerman became the starting point for the cause.

In 1976, Nike's $ 8.3 million the previous year soared to $ 14 million. It is developed like wildfire, the company is developing a new style shoes and spend huge sums of money.

In these improvements, the Nike Air people left a deep impression. Nike Air heel is used to embed the Ministry of inflatable cushion, it's a trump card in shoe technology. Sponge or foam rubber over it to keep longer elastic. Comfortable, stable. Now, almost all of produced authentic Nike Nike shoes embedded with the cushion.

Interestingly, consumers are not aware of this mystery, however, but this is the Nike high-quality, high performance, high-quality lies. How to do it? So planners in advertising sales on moving some brains. Soon a very unique and attractive posters appeared. In a Nike shoe heel opened two "windows", people through the "window" to see the soles of Nike Air. Significant piece of posters to attract consumers and make them clear to understand than other sports shoes Nike came out on top place.

The next two years, "Nike" in sales followed by the quadrupled. To the late 1970s, Nike has nearly 100 researchers, many of whom are biological, chemical, experimental biology, engineering, industrial design, chemistry degree and a variety of related fields. This strong research efforts to develop more than 140 different styles of products, many of which products are the most innovative and most advanced technology. These styles are based on different foot type, weight, running speed, training programs, gender and level of technology design.

These styles, different prices and multi-purpose products, attracting thousands of runners and make them feel Nike is to provide the most complete variety of running shoes manufacturers, millions of all kinds, a variety of capacities runners have this idea.

Rely on a never-ending corporate philosophy, to 1979, Nike through the planning of new products to market and strong sales, market share of 33%, and finally squeezed into the original by Adidas, Puma, and built by TIGER "iron triangle", a sales star. By 1981, its market share even 50%, ahead of Adidas, and Knight himself running into the "Forbes" magazine's coveted America's 400 richest people list.

Nike Culture

"Sports, performances, free and easy freedom of sportsmanship" is the pursuit of personalized Nike corporate culture. The distinctive feature of the corporate culture from the traditional concept of corporate image,

Nike is the adventurous spirit of the pioneering companies in their green state of Oregon where the company has cultivated a well-designed culture, Nike was a veteran manager, recalls: "It's like a full Hand, Foot and brotherhood of environment. happy to drink with colleagues, talked about sports, and active and self-proclaimed anti-traditional character. "every six months, Knight of the management team to meet and discuss strategy. The quarreling parties to "tit for tat" with.

Knight always encourage confrontation, or even encourage confrontation, and he and everyone else, accept other people's loud accusations. Nike corporate location, like school, like a forest, jogging trails, lake, soccer fields. Knight hopes to create a harmonious work environment, he believes the world has enough chaos, the working time should be as free as at home.

At the famous Nike ad strategy, but also show different from other people's vitality. Nike athletes looking for different types of Adidas, who independent, strong personality, irritability, aggressive. Such as tennis star John McEnroe, tennis people always see him in a big temper, argue with the pundits. There are tennis star Andre Agassi, his beard, unkempt hair, cut short when the jeans tennis pants, tennis and this denim pants have become a feature of Nike products. With these big-name sports stars QUICKER advertising, Nike shoes are no longer just the shoes, and became idols and symbols of social status.

In 1984, Nike started advertising strategy to re-establish their own voice image. He and Jordan signed a five-year contract to grant Jordan's condition also includes Nike's stock, as well as unprecedented courtesy, to use the Nike shoes Michael Jordan's name. Almost all people think this is a fool talented, just a voice only.

But Knight insisted on doing this, Michael Jordan Nike's impact is enormous. Jordan, who embodies the energy, reputation, superb level of competition and exciting sporting spirit, his ideal weight than any Nike logo. Nike, Jordan created a new brand with the "FT Jordan" (AIRJORDEN), produced colorful basketball shoes and matching apparel. "FT Jordan" is a successful advertising campaign is the brand battle victory in the first year with sales of $ 100 million. Jordan wore the shoes first met with NBA officials on the ban, which they say violated the league's dress code. Nike keenly felt this was a good opportunity for public relations activities, then launched an advertising support, claiming that "FT Jordan" was banned because it "revolutionary design." Nike and the results of "FT Jordan," boarded the cover of countless newspaper headlines, NBA was besieged. Finally, in order to facilitate this outcome Nike ended. Advertising with athletes is that many people think, but only the most successful Knight!

There are numerous well-known that the "JUST DO IT", the first "JUST DO IT" advertising hero is sitting in a wheelchair track and field athlete Craig Brown, repair, advertising slogan that appears in white against a black background. Advertisement did not read out loud, but it aroused a generation of resonance. It is reminiscent of an obese person's weight loss program to postpone his busy staff were disrupted by other things and all the dream to participate in fitness activities, sports activities but was interrupted by the various affairs of people. This is like Nike's urging people to exercise, to act immediately to achieve.

Nike running shoes, gray + white 2 free, complete the application boots, efforts to reduce the pressure and asymmetry of dorsal pieces lace in support of a stable support of the premise, more than ever attached foot comfort . Recent trends in order to meet the hot runner technology, the Nike Free running were the last to join the Nike + 2 + technology, the role of private education, personal, so you always know the freedom of distance, speed, time and calories burned Nike and other data.

